

Managing a successful website and being able to respond quickly to changes in your market place online constitutes the need for a Content Management System referred to as a CMS which houses the website pages. A business cannot afford to be without a piece of software that makes it fast and easy to make changes to a company's website page offering a product or service. .

If you are going to be the person who will add and edit content on a website then why not have the OnlineXcellence Internet Marketing team assist you in both choosing a CMS and being trained on how to use content management software effectively.

A CMS has become one the internet’s most powerful web developer tools and a business should recognise there is a full time role towards committing someone to become your expert in-house website champion who would have the day to day responsibility for actually managing the website to ensure your most important web goal pages remain competitive online. Hence, the web champion needs to know this powerful marketing tool inside out.

This training module starts by providing you with the knowledge you will need to help you identify and choose which content management software is right for your business website project.

Next you have the opportunity of gaining some hands on practical exercises in how to make best use of Content Management Software. From campaign page planning to laying out your content within the editing area of the CMS through to building links between pages and more. You will find by the end of this session with the OnlineXcellence Marketing Team that you will have the skills to become a confident 'website driver'.


